





          Today I have decided to write about Maleficent. I just watched the famous 2014 movie again and it left me inspired. There are many versions of the “Sleeping Beauty” and all of them have different meanings. However the movie “Maleficent” gives us something more to think about. It has that dramatic and painful background story, which makes it a personal favourite of many. I understand that it is a fictional background, but so is the whole story, and yes Angelina Jolie is an amazing actress, but I’m going to keep this post short.

          We define who we are. I like to think that It’s our choices that make us special, because we all have that beautiful combinations of evil and good. There are all kinds of feelings, they differ from each other. Some slightly and some dramatically, all of them play important roles in our decisions.

          Most of the tales tell us that good is always stronger than the evil, that kindness and love always overcome everything bad, so lets just remember that. Also lets remember to be honest and true, not like the guy who cut her wings off…

So yeah, Lets be the change we want to see!


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